Dear PJs community,
One of my favorite parts of the weekly Sunday service is the Confession of Sin. Having a moment each week to repent for “things we have done and things we have left undone” in the past week helps to ground me, and gives me a moment to reflect on ways I may not be fully living into Christ’s example. Every week there are things I can think of. This past Wednesday, the silence of a darkened church, the mournful sound of a solo saxophone, and a smudged cross of ashes on our heads ushered us in to the season of Lent. Lent is one of my favorite seasons of the church year, because to me it feels like the confession for the whole year – a chance to take a step back and reflect on my faith and how I am doing with putting that faith into action in my everyday life. What things I do and probably shouldn’t, and what things I tend to leave undone. Lent is a time for reflection, and for taking on practices that help us to more fully embrace what we are called to do as Christians: to love one another, to seek justice, to hold each other in fellowship, and to care for the world we live in. As a church community at PJ’s, we are taking on two Lenten practices that all are welcome to join: • Starting today, March 5th! A Lenten meditation series that will combine movement, writing, reflection and meditation and is led by Sarah and Isaac, meeting at 3 pm on Saturdays in the sanctuary. • After church on Sundays, starting this Sunday, March 6th: “Episcopal Q&A” – what does it mean to be Episcopalian? An open discussion space where we can ask questions about why we do things the way we do them in the Episcopal church. Whether you are new to church, new to the Episcopal church, or have been an Episcopalian as long as you can remember, you are welcome. Bring your questions and answers! Lastly, please mark your calendars for after church on Sunday, March 20th, where we will have an all parish gathering to reflect on who we are as St. PJ’s. This is the next important step in our priest transition journey, where we take stock of who we are and try to sum it up so interested priests can learn more about this incredible community! If you will be unable to make it to church that day, please send your thoughts on how you would describe PJ’s to [email protected] and/or [email protected] by the 20th. This gathering will take the place of the Episcopal Q&A for that one week. Peace and blessings, Claire Cody, co-warden
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August 2022
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